"Art that seeks truth and beauty is a premonition of eternity."
Ladislav Zaborsky

Ladislav Zaborsky
(Slovakia, * 22 January 1921, Tisovec - † 31 December 2016, Martin,) - Slovak Academic Painter.
Ladislav Zaborsky was born in 1921 in Tisovec, he studied at grammar school in Banska Bystrica, where his talent was discovered by professor Krakora. Later, Ladislav studied at Drawing and Painting Department of the Slovak Technical Univesity with professors like Benka, Mally, and Mudroch. At the same time, he regularly attended the Faculty of Arts (pedagogy, psychology and art history) and the Faculty of Science (descriptive department) in Bratislava. He attended lectures on anatomy and pedagogy regularly. He got his first award in his 21 in Florence at a pan-European competition for young artists.
After his studies, he worked as a graphic designer in Neografia in Martin in 1944-1945. He worked as a professor of drawing at the Grammar School in Martin, too.
From 1953 to 1957 Ladislav was persecuted by the communist regime, condemned and imprisoned for his religious activities related to his beliefs and attitudes, which he remained faithful to the end of his life.
In 1968-69 Ladislav and his family stayed in France, where he was studying sacral art and temple interiors. In this period, he traveled all over Europe and studied modern sacral architecture and art decoration.
Ladislav Zaborsky and his wife Gabriela (née Bartosova), who stood faithfully all his life beside him, had three children: Vladimir, Terezia, and Mary.
Ladislav lived and created his art in the town of Martin. At the age of 95, he passed away.
Work and Awards:
The works of academic painter Ladislav Záborský are displayed in art collections in Slovakia, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Palestine, and the USA.
He was awarded the Gold Medal of the Slovak Christian Intelligence Center (1993) for his artistic work. In 2006 he was awarded the Medal of the town of Martin. The Council of the Conference of Bishops of Slovakia for Science, Education and Culture awarded him the Fra Angelica 2005 prize.
During Communism, he secretly created more than 30 Stations
of the Cross in various techniques (paintings, stained glass, wood engravings)
and decorated 25 churches with stained glass windows. He is the author of
murals in churches in Slovakia and Paris.
Light as a Tool of Spirituality
The light was the central theme of Ladislav's artistic work. Not only the light that floods the landscape, or the light that is hidden in the soul of a man, but the Light that is interlaced in every man's life journey.
The work of Master Zaborsky will make your home cozier and will bring the peace into your soul.